Friday, March 24, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 24th

Math - None - We took our chapter 10 test today.

Science - None - We watched a Magic School Bus video on the Solar System today.  This will be the topic of our next chapter after spring break.

Language Arts - None - We took our unit assessments today.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, March 23rd

Math - None - We reviewed for tomorrow's test in class today.

Science - None - We rotated through science centers today.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class today.  We reread our weekly story, and had some time to practice spelling and vocab on Spelling City.  We worked on our writing packets, and played a spelling review game.

Social Studies - None - We continued to discuss Fort Sumter, and it's importance in the Civil War.  We watched a Discovery Education video tour of Fort Sumter, and visited the National Park Service website to see pictures and videos of the National Monument.

Science Centers

Instead of starting a new chapter before spring break, we spent our science time today rotating through some science center activities.  Students worked with a partner to learn about animals, body systems, space, plants, and simple machines, while interacting with fun, game-like activities.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, March 22nd

Math - None - We reviewed for our chapter test today.  We will continue our review tomorrow, and take our test on Friday.

Science - None - We took our chapter 9 test today.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class today.  We read an expository article about gold, and studied timelines as a text feature.  We also started a book of knowledge activity using digital articles.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Snoopy Sneak Peek

The elementary students had a chance to get a sneak peek of the high school musical, Snoopy.  We had so much fun watching the performance!  Be sure to check it out this weekend if you have time!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, March 21st

Math - None - We completed lesson 10.7 today on finding shape and number patterns.  This was a tricky lesson, so we reviewed it together in class today.  We will review chapter 10 in class tomorrow and Thursday, and take our test on Friday.

Science - None - We played a review game in preparation for tomorrow's test.

Language Arts - None - We completed a grammar page and spelling page in class today.  This week we are talking about adverbs that compare (fast, faster/more, most).  We reviewed our vocabulary words today, and watched a quick Discovery Education video clip on the Gold Rush to build some background knowledge.  We read our story, The Gold Rush Game, and discussed the elements of science fiction text, as well as cause/effect relationships.  We also started a new writing packet today, which focuses on organization.  Today we discussed starting our stories with a hook.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Flora and Ulysses

Book review by Jolene:

I thought Flora and Ulysses was a good book. Sometimes it was funny, and sometimes it was sad. In the beginning of the book, Flora said she was a natural born cynic, but at the end she had feelings.( Fact a cynic is a person that has no feelings). What happened was Mrs. Tickham ( also called Tootie) got a vacuum for her birthday. It was super powerful, and it pulled her to Flora’s house and sucked up a squirrel. Apparently the squirrel got powers after Flora saved his life. After that, he learned to write poetry on his own. Then Flora knew her mom was his enemy. You should read it if you like superheroes and funny things. That's the book.

Lessons & Assignments Monday, March 20th

Math - None - We completed 2 lessons today, 10.5 and 10.6.  Both lessons were on line symmetry, so we decided to combine them.  This will also allow us to get finished with chapter 10 before spring break.

Science - None - We skipped science today to squeeze in an extra math lesson.

Language Arts - None - We introduced our new spelling and vocabulary words today, and completed our vocabulary packets in class.  We will only be spending one week on this unit, so tests will be on Friday.

Social Studies -None - We started chapter 8 today, and completed a vocabulary page in class.  We also started reading about the Civil War, and watched a Discovery Education video about the war.

River Bandits Reading Program

The River Bandits' team mascot Rascal visited our school on Friday to get us excited about reading!  Today we kicked off our Book Buddies reading challenge.  Students need to read 75 minutes a week for the next 4 weeks to earn a free ticket to the baseball game.  All 4th graders that meet the challenge will attend a River Bandits game together.  Information was sent home with your child today.

Player of the Week

Brenden is our Player of the Week this week!

Vocabulary Slide Show

Please click HERE for this week's vocabulary slide show.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 17th

Math - None - We took our chapter 10 quiz today, and reviewed yesterday's assignment.

Science - None - We read about weather instruments today, and researched instruments and their purposes with partners.

Language Arts - None - We took our unit assessments today.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, March 16th

Math - None - We completed lesson 10.4 today on classifying quadrilaterals.  We learned all about the characteristics of a trapezoid, square, rectangle, rhombus, and parallelogram.

Science - None - We talked about weather maps today, and how weather is predicted.  We watched our local weather report, and identified symbols in the report such as a warm front and a cold front.  We also looked up today's current weather, and recorded our high/low temps, weather, wind speed, and chance of precipitation.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class, reviewed spelling/vocab on Spelling City, and finished up our article of the day.  We also played Sparkle to review our spelling words.  Our reading, spelling, and vocabulary tests are tomorrow.

Social Studies - Chapter 7 review sheet - We worked on our chapter 7 review sheet in class today.  Those students that were not able to finish in class need to complete it for homework tonight.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, March 15th

Math - None - We completed lesson 10.3 today on parallel and perpendicular lines.  In small groups, we created lines with toothpicks, folded paper, and with the creation of maps.  We used our iPads and the Doodle Buddy app to find examples of parallel and perpendicular lines around our classroom.

Science - None - We read about air masses and fronts today, and watched a Study Jams video on these topics.

Language Arts - None - We watched a Discovery Education video on the Dust Bowl, and read an expository article about it as well.  We continued working with adverbs, and completed a cursive spelling page.  We also continued working with Digital ReadWorks to read and respond to an article of the day.

Social Studies - None - We watched a few Discovery Education videos about the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the election of 1860, and the history of Abraham Lincoln's life.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, March 14th

Math - None - We finished lesson 10.2 today on classifying triangles.  In small groups we made right, acute, and obtuse triangles with toothpicks, and created and classified triangles out of grid paper.

Science - None - We read about how landforms such as oceans and mountains can change the water cycle.

Language Arts - None - We completed our grammar and spelling page together in class today.  We continued our writing focus of staying on a topic by writing about a birthday party.  The students used Google Docs to write their response, and submitted it to me online.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Monday, March 13th

Math - None - We completed lesson 10.1 today on lines, rays, and angles.  We talked a lot today about the definitions of each of these terms, and how to name and label them.  In small groups we created angles using toothpicks, and found pictures of angles, rays, points, and lines in old magazines.

Science - None - We read about weather safety today, and watched a Discovery Education video on what to do during weather emergencies.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class today.  We reread our weekly story, and answered some comprehension questions using Google Classroom.  We also had some time to listen to our current read aloud, and visit the library for AR books.

Social Studies - None - We read about the Lincoln-Douglas debates today, and completed a Venn diagram to compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.

Player of the Week

Lilly is our Player of the Week this week!

Team Buck Incentive

As one of our team buck incentives, we got to help Mrs. Livengood with morning messages this morning.  Way to go 4C!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 10th

Math - None - We continued working on a math vocabulary packet today.  We will be doing this in the coming weeks to prepare for the PARCC test.  The goal of this packet is to help students better understand what test directions are asking them to do.  We also used our math time to take care of 4th quarter business.  We set our new AR goals, switched locker partners, switched classroom librarians, and took a quarterly assessment.

Science - None - We read about how weather is related to the water cycle, and did a weather fact scavenger hunt.

Language Arts - None - We reviewed spelling and vocabulary, worked on a writing packet, and practiced grammar skills on IXL.  We also spent some time reading for AR and listening to our new read aloud book, The Westing Game.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Classroom Visitor

Kiera's aunt visited our classroom today to tell us about her job at Sprint.  She explained how phone calls and text messages get from one caller to the other.  The students got to move around and model how calls move from a phone, to the phone company, and the towers.  We also learned how birds, trees, and buildings are involved.  She gave everyone a notebook, pen, and snacks!  We had a great time learning about something new!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, March 9th

Math - None - We took our 3rd quarter assessment posttest today, and did the chapter 10 introduction.  We are moving on to geometry, and the students had a chance to pretend they were landscape architects today while designing a city park.

Science - None - We started our next lesson on how weather is related to the water cycle.  We will continue this lesson tomorrow.

Language Arts - None - We completed a grammar and spelling page in class today.  We also reread our weekly story.  Mrs. Jacobs' class did a mock trial for our classroom during our LA time today.

Social Studies - None - We took a quarterly assessment posttest today.

Goldilocks on Trial

Mrs. Jacobs had her enrichment group conduct a trial today in our classroom for Goldilocks.  Her group has been working on writing questions, providing evidence, and using text evidence.  They had prosecutors, defenders, and witnesses (including a DNA specialist and a security expert).  Mrs. Livengood served as the judge, my class served as the jury, and Chloee got to be our bailiff!  We had so much fun!  We decided Goldilocks was guilty of breaking and entering the bears' house, and sentenced her to 3 years in jail.

A.R. All Stars

Congratulations to Jolene and Grace W. for earning over 100 AR points so far this year!  As a reward, they both got to have lunch with Mrs. Livengood today.  Keep up the good work ladies!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, March 8th

Math - None - We took our chapter 9 test today.  I was very proud of the results!

Science - None - We read an article about the water cycle, and completed some comprehension questions in class.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class today (in the dark!).  We read our selection story, Leah's Pony, and completed a problem/solution graphic organizer.  We also reviewed our new vocabulary words.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, March 7th

Math - None - We did our end of the chapter review today.  We will take our chapter 9 test tomorrow.  Students have an optional review sheet that they can do tonight for a classroom incentive.

Science - None - We finished up our water cycle diagrams and put them in our journals today.  We had Ag in the Classroom today.

Language Arts - None - We used our LA time today to catch up on some unfinished business!  We read our Ag Mags, and answered some comprehension questions. We spent some time doing IXL math review lessons, and we finished up our Discovery Education video on slavery.  We also spent some time listening to our current read aloud story, Esperanza Rising.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Ag in the Classroom

We had Ag in the Classroom today, where we learned all about soil!  The students learned about how limited this resource is, and got to make observations about sand, silt, and clay.  Afterwards we read our Ag Mags, and answered comprehension questions on the material.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Monday, March 6th

Math - None - We finished up chapter 9 today by learning how to compare decimals.  We learned several different strategies for comparing decimals, including using models and number lines, converting them to equal parts, and using place value.  We will review tomorrow, and take our chapter 9 test on Wednesday.

Science - None - We continued reading about the parts of the water cycle today, and started making a diagram for our journals.

Language Arts - None - We introduced our new vocabulary and spelling words today, and discussed the spelling patterns of our new words.  We studied our new vocabulary words, and completed our vocabulary packets in class today.

Social Studies - None - We put our Compromise of 1850 maps into our journals today, and read about the Underground Railroad today.  We started watching a Discovery Education video on slavery.

Vocabulary Slide Show

Click HERE for the vocabulary slide show for Leah's Pony.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 3rd

Math - None - We finished lesson 9.6 today on adding fractions and decimals.  Looking ahead:  Our chapter 9 test is tentatively scheduled for Wed. 3/8.

Science - None - We read about the water cycle today, made diagrams for our journals, and watched a Study Jams video on the water cycle.

Language Arts - None - We read for AR, and finished up our unit on earthquakes.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, March 2nd

Math - None - We took our mid-chapter quiz today, and spent the rest of the class period reviewing coin identification, counting coins, and using place value with decimals.  These are the areas that I notice most students struggling with.

Science - None - We started a new chapter today on weather.  We will start by studying the water cycle.

Language Arts - None - We had some time to read for AR today.  We also started a new book on earthquakes.  We discussed the setting and characters in this story, as well as new vocabulary words.

Social Studies - None - We started a new chapter today, and read about the Compromise of 1850.  We shaded maps for our social studies journals as well.