Monday, March 13, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Monday, March 13th

Math - None - We completed lesson 10.1 today on lines, rays, and angles.  We talked a lot today about the definitions of each of these terms, and how to name and label them.  In small groups we created angles using toothpicks, and found pictures of angles, rays, points, and lines in old magazines.

Science - None - We read about weather safety today, and watched a Discovery Education video on what to do during weather emergencies.

Language Arts - None - We completed a spelling and grammar page in class today.  We reread our weekly story, and answered some comprehension questions using Google Classroom.  We also had some time to listen to our current read aloud, and visit the library for AR books.

Social Studies - None - We read about the Lincoln-Douglas debates today, and completed a Venn diagram to compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.

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