Friday, March 10, 2017

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 10th

Math - None - We continued working on a math vocabulary packet today.  We will be doing this in the coming weeks to prepare for the PARCC test.  The goal of this packet is to help students better understand what test directions are asking them to do.  We also used our math time to take care of 4th quarter business.  We set our new AR goals, switched locker partners, switched classroom librarians, and took a quarterly assessment.

Science - None - We read about how weather is related to the water cycle, and did a weather fact scavenger hunt.

Language Arts - None - We reviewed spelling and vocabulary, worked on a writing packet, and practiced grammar skills on IXL.  We also spent some time reading for AR and listening to our new read aloud book, The Westing Game.

Social Studies - None - We did not have social studies today.

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